What is decarboxylation and why does your weed need it?

What is decarboxylation and why does your weed need it?

Decarboxylation (pronounced de-carb-OX-yl-a-tion), is a process that activates the psychoactive compounds in the cannabis plant so that you feel high when you consume it.

The cannabis plant has THCA. This will not get you high. THCA must be converted to THC to get you high. This can be done most often with heat, such as a lighter, an atomizer in a vape pen, torch with a dab-rig or oven for edibles.

THCA, a compound found in plants, has an additional carboxyl ring in its chemical structure. Heat removes this ring or de-carboxylates it.

How does decarboxylation work?

Heat and time are two of the ways that decarboxylation takes place. High temperatures from smoking and vaporizing instantly decarboxylate compounds within weed, making them available immediately for your body to absorb.

After harvesting a homegrow, some decarboxylation may occur during drying and curing cannabis. The decarboxylation process can be accelerated by oxygen. To prevent this, make sure your weed is kept in an airtight container. You can ask your local cannabis dispensary to provide you with a jar to keep your plants protected.

Decarboxylation is essential for edibles

To get high, all cannabis products must undergo decarboxylation. Although edibles can be consumed cold, the decarboxylation must still take place before they are consumed.

Infusions are made from buds. They are heated first in an oven to decarboxylate them. Then they are infused into butter or oil. This infusion can then be used to make edibles such as cookies, brownies, and gummies. To activate THC in buds, heating them in an oven is required before they are infused.

What temperature is decarboxylation possible?

Decarboxylation of cannabis occurs at 200-245oF. We recommend heating the buds at 245F for between 30-40 minutes when making edibles.

Decarboxylation edibles are more effective than smoking or vaping. It takes place at a lower temperature and for a longer time in order to preserve cannabinoids, terpenes and other compounds. Terpenes can be volatile and evaporate at high temperatures leaving behind undesirable aromas and flavors.

The oven at 300F is the best temperature to heat cannabis. It will also burn any valuable cannabinoids or terpenes. Cannabis will not get high if it is infused with butter, oil, or other substances.

How to decarb marijuana in the oven

You can buy your favorite flowers from a cannabis dispensary and decarb it in the oven; however, it is important to remember when decarboxylating cannabis in the oven that the temperature dial is more indicative of an average temperature than an exact temperature.

Oven temperatures can vary by up to 20 degrees so be careful. Turn down the oven if it becomes brown too fast or smells burnt. If you intend to cook with cannabis frequently, an oven thermometer can be a great investment.

Required Materials

  • Baking sheet
  • Aluminum foil or parchment paper
  • Oven
  • Cannabis
  • Optional: Cannabis grinder


  1. The oven temperature should be set to 245oF. Ovens heat up higher at the top than at the bottom. Heating in the middle of the oven will allow for optimal decarboxylation temperatures.
  2. Place the parchment paper or aluminum foil on a baking sheet and gently crush the cannabis.
  3. Heat for between 30-40 minutes. Stir at least once.
  4. Allow to cool for 30 minutes at room temperatures. The cannabis should be lightly toasted and golden brown.
  5. Once cool enough for you to handle, you can add the decarboxylated marijuana to butter, oil or another base to make an infusion. Or, put it in a container to store for future use.