What are Cannabis Capsules? We Went to This Albuquerque Marijuana Dispensary for the Answer

What are Cannabis Capsules? We Went to This Albuquerque Marijuana Dispensary for the Answer

Are you a medical cannabis patient looking for a low-key, long-lasting, reliable way to use your prescription? If so, you may be in luck. Cannabis capsules offer a solution to medical patients seeking a “pot pill.” However, capsules are still a relatively new phenomenon. So, we went to our favorite Albuquerque marijuana dispensary to shed some light on them.

cannabis capsules

What are Cannabis Capsules?

Cannabis capsules are a specific kind of infused marijuana edibles designed with medical patients in mind. They come in various shapes and sizes, but are usually the size of a multivitamin. Often, they take the form of gelatin capsules.

Cannabis companies can infuse these capsules with THC, CBD, and any cannabinoids and terpenes that exist in marijuana plants. Some capsules even combine THC and CBD to enhance their possible health benefits.

As an infused edible, cannabis capsules work a little differently than smoked or vaped marijuana. Smoked or vaped cannabis passes directly from the lungs into the bloodstream. In contrast, edibles pass through your digestive system to your liver.

Once there, your liver metabolizes THC from edibles into a new compound called 11-hydroxy-THC. This new compound has a much higher bioavailability than normal THC does. As a result, edibles trigger more powerful effects than other forms of THC, but take longer to begin.

Why Use Cannabis Capsules?

Cannabis capsules offer several advantages for New Mexico medical marijuana patients. Smoklessness, standardized dosing, long duration, and low-key applications are just a few of the benefits that cannabis capsules afford patients.

Smokeless – Like other infused edibles, cannabis capsules have a distinct advantage for many medical patients: they’re smokeless. As a result, medical patients don’t need to worry about inhaling burning plant matter. This is a huge boon for medical patients, who may not want to inhale smoke for health-related reasons.

Standard Doses – Additionally, cannabis capsules specifically offer another advantage. Each one comes pre-measured to a specific dose of THC or CBD. That way, medical patients know they’re getting the same dose of their medicine each and every time they take it. This is in stark contrast to smoking or vaping cannabis, where dosing becomes more of an art than a science.

Extended Duration – As we mentioned earlier, edible cannabis products last longer than other forms of marijuana. That makes cannabis capsules ideal for medical patients. One or two doses per day may be enough to alleviate a patient’s symptoms, according to our friends at the Albuquerque marijuana dispensary.

Stealth – Finally, cannabis capsules offer unparallelled discretion for the low-key medical patient. Since there’s no vapor or smoke during consumption, you can stealthily take one in public without arousing any attention.

Buying Cannabis Capsules in New Mexico at This Albuquerque Marijuana Dispensary

Thinking about including cannabis capsules in your medical marijuana regimen? You’re in luck! Stop by our friends at this Albuquerque marijuana dispensary to browse their inventory. Their stock includes not only cannabis capsules, but other types of edibles along with concentrates and old-fashioned flower. It’s the perfect one-stop-shop for any New Mexico medical patient.